Can Aotearoa, New Zealand progress towards realising the circular opportunity?

Leading international economies have circular frameworks. 

Why don't we?

Australia's Circular Economy Ministerial Advisory Group has released an interim report highlighting the urgent need for a national framework to support a circular economy. 

This report offers key recommendations and actions to help Australia transition towards a more efficient and sustainable economic model.

The report raises an important question for New Zealand policymakers: 

In the absence of a circular economy strategy, can Aotearoa, New Zealand progress towards realising the circular opportunity?

What can we learn from this report that might light a path forward?

Developing the Australian Circular Economy Framework:

A key finding from the report highlights a significant gap in circular economy strategy from governments in Australia and New Zealand; that is why these interim recommendations were published as a bridge towards a national framework.

Key Topic: National policy setting

The report begins appropriately with a focus on national policy to implement the framework at a national scale. This approach ensures a clear understanding of roles, responsibilities, and expectations across the government.

Interestingly, the report acknowledges that "the concept and value of the circular economy are not widely appreciated despite Australia’s already significant investment in this space." By setting clear national policies, this framework's importance is underscored, and its significance is galvanised.

In other words, it is less about enforcement and more about signaling a direction of travel for others to build upon.

The recommended approach for developing  the National Circular Economy Framework - 

  • Articulate a clear vision for a circular economy, which will serve as an overarching point of reference for policymakers, businesses, and communities, considering Australia's role in a highly globalised economy."

  • Define the 'circular economy' for Australia, the benefits of circularity for climate, biodiversity, and productivity, and describe the quantifiable risks of not improving circularity. 

  • Be grounded in the principles of an equitable transition. 

  • Describe Australia's comparative and competitive advantages. 

By clarifying the framework at a national level through policy, the value of the circular economy becomes evident across the board, from implementation in businesses to international trade negotiations.

While the circular economy is addressed in our National Emissions Reduction Plan in Aotearoa, New Zealand, Australia’s interim report reveals that more work is needed to embrace and integrate circular principles at a national and sector level. 

For the value of the circular economy to be realised here, we must introduce new policies, foster collaboration between government and industry stakeholders, and invest in education and awareness campaigns to promote a deeper understanding and adoption of circular practices across all sectors.

But who might lead this now, when a government-led circular economy strategy is inevitable yet delayed? 

We have hope when leaders like Air New Zealand, Silver Fern Farms, Zespri, Woolworths, and Foodstuffs have circular economy targets, innovation pipelines, and also dedicated roles in-house. 

We also have a thriving ecosystem of innovators who are working on the frontiers of material science, technology, and collaboration like Rescued Kitchen, Usedfully, Again Again, Anew, Recircle, Saveboard, Futurepost, The Green Circle, and ImpactTex. (to name a few!) 

At Circularity, we support collaboration between businesses, communities, and policymakers to drive this transition. 

We have been lucky enough to drive many of these kinds of collaborations and work alongside our business leaders to apply circularity across their products, services, and supply chains.

Together, we'll design a better way forward.

To realise the circular economy opportunity for your business, industry or brand email us at for a no-obligation chat.